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Give Generously to the Elliot Park Community Aid Fund!

On August 13th, 2024, a devastating fire swept through the multi-family Stadium Village Apartment building on 1501 11th Ave S. in our beloved Elliot Park neighborhood, displacing 22 households, taking the lives of two, and injuring several others. Most of the displaced residents are BIPOC and immigrant low-income families. These families lost everything, including their homes, security, and all their belongings, and need our help to rebuild their lives.

As a community, we have the power to make a real difference. Through the facilitation of Elliot Park Neighborhood Inc., and in collaboration with partners like the Red Cross and other local community organizations, the Elliot Park Community Aid Fund is here to provide mid- to long-term support for these families, ensuring they have access to essential resources like housing, food, clothing, legal and mental health services among other needs.

Your donation will directly help these families get back on their feet. Whether it's $10 or $1000, or new or gently used clothing and household items, every contribution counts and brings hope to our neighbors during this challenging time. This fundraiser and donations drive will continue until every resident impacted is rehoused and capable of providing for themselves. Thank you for your generous support of our neighbors!

Questions? Contact EPNI at [email protected] or call/text us at (612) 234-2280.


Elliot Park Neighborhood, Inc. (EPNI) was established in 1976 with a primary focus of reinvesting in the community through renovation of existing housing and investment in new housing. The focus of the organization has shifted over the years and our mission now centers on addressing community issues, improving community connection and safety, and influencing development.  We invite you to join us in this work - contact us today to find out more!

Xaafada Elliot Park Inc. (EPNI) Waxaa la aasaasay 1979 tasoo diiradeeda kowaad ahaa dayactirka iyo dhismaha guryo cusub. Diirada ururka weey isbadashay sanado badan. Annaga mudnaanteena 2019 waxaa kujira dhismo, isticmaalka dhulka, iyo guryeeyn; nabad gelyada bulshada; Helitaanka cuntada; iyo isdhexgalka.