Join your neighbors in advocating for development that fits our community needs. Every month, EPNI convenes the community at the Building, Land Use, and Housing (BLUH) meeting, where residents can review & give feedback on proposed changes to infrastructure and development plans.
This month, join us for a virtual BLUH meeting via Zoom. You can join the Zoom Meeting at
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If you would like to join us by telephone, you can call 1-312-626-6799 and enter the meeting ID (860 2395 7156). If you run into any problems, you call EPNI for assistance 612-335-5846.
Building, Land Use & Housing Committee Meeting
May 21, 2020, 6 PM, via Zoom
Proposed Agenda
If you live, work or own property in the Elliot Park neighborhood you are eligible to vote at BLUH meetings.
6:00 pm |
Welcome – Vachel Hudson, BLUH |
6:05 pm |
Introductions & Voting Procedure – Glen Johnson, BLUH Chair |
6:10 pm |
500 S 7th Street Sherman Associates and ESG are filing a land use application for a mixed-use development at 500 S 7th Street. The design of the development remains virtually unchanged from what was presented to BLUH on February 20th, with the exception of adjusting the height of the building from 8 stories to 10, following the recommendation of city staff and Planning Commissioners. This change results in an increase in residential units from 195 to 240. Action: Consider motion of support for the land use application for 500 S 7th Street.
6:25 pm |
Elliot Park Skate Park Project Update & Requests The much anticipated Elliot Park skate park project is moving forward with construction scheduled for summer of 2020. A few final details require consideration by the Elliot Park community. First, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is submitting a Land Use Application for variance for patio located within the front yard setback (15 feet from property line adjacent to 8th street S) exceeding 50 square feet, walkways within required yards (15 feet from property line adjacent to 8th Street S, 8 feet from 9th Ave S) exceeding 12 feet in width, and skating infrastructure encroaching into the setbacks (15 feet from property line adjacent to 8th St S, 8 feet from 9th Ave S). Action 1) Consider motion of support for the land use application including variances for the patio, walkways, and infrastructure encroachment Second, MPRB requests use of additional Park Dedication Funds to support upgrades to the skate park project: 1) patio with seating & walkway, 2) salvaged fence added to NW corner of project, 3) concrete stamping, 4) colored concrete on ramps. Action 2) Consider motion of support for utilizing additional park dedication funds for project upgrades.
6:50 pm |
Updates & Open Discussion – Vachel Hudson We will utilize this time to provide updates and answer questions from the community. Have a question or topic you want addressed? Send it to [email protected] ahead of time or submit it via the Zoom chat. |
7:00 pm |
Adjourn – Thank you! |
A conflict of interest exists if any Board member, committee participant, staff, consultant, or member of the organization knows (or has reason to know) that he/she or an organization with which he/she is directly affiliated is (or is likely to become)
1. A participant in a project or development affected by a decision of the Board of Directors, committee, or other membership meeting, or,
2. A party mentioned in any contract, sale, lease, or other financial agreement (other than tenants of rental assistance programs) which provides a financial interest or benefit from the agreement or activity which is under consideration by the Board of Directors, committee, or other membership meeting. When a conflict of interest exists, those with such a conflict shall state the nature of the conflict at any meeting where the item is being discussed. Those attending the meeting should be made aware of the details of the conflict and it shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
If a conflict of interest has not been stated, the chairperson or person running the meeting may declare that a conflict of interest exists when he/she knows that this is true. This ruling of the chair is subject to being overruled following normal parliamentary procedures. Knowingly failing to submit a conflict of interest disclosure may constitute good cause for removal from the Board, committee or employment. Employees may be reassigned if they are working on matters involving any conflict of interest. Board Members with actual or potential conflicts of interest shall not:
1. Attempt to influence an employee or Board/Committee Member in any matter related to the action or decision in questions; and
2. Take part or vote in the decision but may, with the consent of the chairperson, participate in the discussion; and
3. Be counted toward a quorum for any meeting where the action or decision is to be considered.
Committee members or members of the organization with actual or potential conflicts of interest shall not take part or vote in the decision but may, with the consent of the chairperson, participate in the discussion.