June BLUH Meeting: June 17, 6 PM, via Zoom
Every month, EPNI convenes the community at the Building, Land Use, and Housing (BLUH) meeting to discuss proposed changes to the neighborhood.
In order to join the meeting, you'll need to register via Zoom here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. If you need help with registering, please call or email the EPNI office. We will also stream the meeting to Facebook, and the recording will be available after the meeting.
Do you have questions on any of the agenda items or suggestions for open discussion that you would like to submit ahead of time? Email your questions and/or suggestions to [email protected].
June BLUH Agenda:
6:00 pm |
Welcome & Introductions – Glen Johnson, BLUH Chair |
6:08 pm |
Approval of Agenda – Glen Johnson, BLUH Chair |
6:09 pm |
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes – Glen Johnson, BLUH Chair |
6:10 pm |
Tenant Rights 101 Erik Vegel, Tenant Advocate & Volunteer Coordinator, HOME Line Erik will offer an introduction to tenant-landlord rights and responsibilities in the state of Minnesota. |
6:30 pm |
Renter Resources Ellie Benson, Tenant Organizer VISTA, EPNI / HOME Line Ellie will share a variety of resources available to tenants in Minnesota, from emergency rental assistance to legal advocacy services. |
6:50 pm |
Open Discussion – Vachel Hudson, BLUH Vice-Chair An opportunity to bring up questions, issues, project ideas, etc. |
7:00 pm |
Updates & Adjourn – Glen Johnson, BLUH Chair Thursday, July 15, 6-7 PM: Next BLUH Meeting • TBD |