Ward 6 Candidate Forum

A special election for the Ward 6 city council seat is scheduled for Tuesday, August 11th.  Ward 6 includes: Elliot Park (part), Cedar Riverside (part), Phillips West, Seward (part), Steven’s Square – Loring Heights (part), Venture Village

In conjunction with the State Primary on Tuesday, August 11 there will be a special election for the vacant seat in Ward 6. As you prepare to cast your vote, join us on Monday, July 27 for an opportunity to meet the candidates running for the seat.

Please join Elliot Park Neighborhood, Inc., East Town Business Partnership and the Minneapolis Downtown Council​ for a Ward 6 City Council Candidates Forum on Monday, July 27, from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Please register via Eventbrite: www.mplsdowntown.com/registration200727



July 27, 2020 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm


Minneapolis, MN
United States
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