Building, Land Use, and Housing Meeting

Join us at the Building, Land Use, and Housing (BLUH) meeting!

April 18, 2019, 6 PM, Elliot Park Recreation Center

Agenda (revised 4/15/19)


6:00 pm  Call to Order and Introductions – Millie Schafer, EPNI Board Member


6:03 pm  Welcome – Vanessa Haight, EPNI Executive Director


6:05 pm  Approval of Agenda


6:06 pm  Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes


6:10 pm  8th Street Reconstruction Update - Brian Connolly, Construction Manager


6:30 pm  Old-Town-in-Town Cooperative Stair & Porch Replacement

Tom Barbeau, Barbeau Architects, Inc.

Old-Town-in-Town Cooperative plans to remove and replace the wooden stair and porch structures behind their buildings at 728, 732, 736, and 740 E 16th Street and will be making application to the Heritage Preservation Commission for Certificates of Appropriateness on April 15th, 2019.

Request: Letter of Support



6:40 pm Vision Zero Presentation and Q&A
Ethan Fawley, Vision Zero Project Coordinator – City of Minneapolis Department of Public Works

On September 20, 2017, the Minneapolis City Council adopted a Vision Zero resolution committing to the goal of zero traffic deaths and severe injuries on City streets by 2027.


6:55 pm  Open Discussion


7:05 pm  Announcements

NO MAY BLUH MEETING, see you on June 20th!

April 20: Spring Clean-Up, 9:30 AM-Noon, meet at Elliot Park Recreation Center at 9:30 am

May 13: EPNI Annual Meeting & Community Dinner, 5:30 PM, North Central University Anderson Auditorium – 815 14th Street (parking available in lot at Chicago & 14th Street)


7:05 pm  Adjourn - Please help return chairs to their cart before leaving.  Thank you!


April 18, 2019 at 6:00pm - 7pm


Elliot Park Recreation Center
1000 E 14th St
Minneapolis, MN 55404
United States
Google map and directions


Vanessa Haight · · 6123355846


Millie Schafer

Will you come?