UPDATE: 9/16/21 BLUH will now meet VIRTUALLY VIA ZOOM!
Every month, EPNI convenes the community at the Building, Land Use, and Housing (BLUH) meeting to discuss proposed changes to the neighborhood. All are welcome to attend.
No registration required this month - check out the link and call-in info below:
Zoom link:
Dial by your location:
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 830 1131 7569
Passcode: 403875
We will also stream the meeting to Facebook, and the recording will be available after the meeting.
Do you have questions or suggestions for open discussion that you would like to submit ahead of time? Email your questions and/or suggestions to [email protected].
Proposed Agenda
6:00 pm |
Welcome & Introductions – Glen Johnson, BLUH Chair |
6:08 pm |
Approval of Agenda – Glen Johnson, BLUH Chair |
6:09 pm |
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes – Glen Johnson, BLUH Chair |
6:10 pm |
Reimagining the Future of Hennepin Healthcare – Tom Hayes, Hennepin Healthcare Hennepin Healthcare is conducting a community engagement and planning process that will lead to a bold new strategy for a more just and equitable healthcare experience in Hennepin County and beyond. To bring the voices of the community into the planning process, patients, team members, neighbors, and the broader community have been participating in interviews, visioning sessions, creative conversations, community pop ups and short a survey which you are invited to take. Tom Hayes will be sharing information about the community engagement process, including a timeline, and how the information will be utilized. To stay informed, visit the Our Future website at www.hennepinhealthcare.org/ourfuture/. In addition, the community is also invited to attend a virtual forum on Sept. 16 from 11:30-1pm where you can share your perspective. Register now at https://bit.ly/3AW4FZS. |
6:30 pm |
Advocacy around the Rethinking I-94 Project – Alex Burns, Our Streets MPLS Alex Burns will be presenting on a community sign-on letter that has been created in response to draft planning documents for MnDOT's Rethinking I-94 project. The presentation will include an overview of the letter's contents and a timeline for submission. To learn more about Our Streets Minneapolis' work on Rethinking I-94, go to www.ourstreetsmpls.org/rethinking_i94. |
6:50 pm |
Open Discussion – Vachel Hudson, BLUH Vice-Chair An opportunity to bring up questions, issues, project ideas, etc. |
7:00 pm |
Updates & Adjourn – Vachel Hudson, BLUH Vice-Chair October 4: Stevens Square Community Organization Mayoral Forum, Plymouth Congregational Church Parking Lot, 6-7:30 pm October 13: Twin Cities Mobile Market, 15th Street & Chicago Ave, 10:30-11:30 am October 18: EPNI Board Meeting, Location TBD, 6:00 PM October 21: Building, Land Use, and Housing, Location TBD, 6:00 PM |