Organizing for Equity

In collaboration, Harrison Neighborhood Association, Folwell Neighborhood Association, Armatage Neighborhood Association, Nokomis East Neighborhood Association,Whittier Alliance, and Elliot Park Neighborhood, Inc. request your support.

Minneapolis neighborhood organization funding is at risk due to a budget neutral directive from the City Council, jeopardizing the ability for neighborhoods to successfully address the disparities we see in our communities today.

The City of Minneapolis and Hennepin County have declared Racism a public health emergency.  Undoing racism, community solutions to public safety, advancing equity in schools, small business support, tenant organizing, and more, begins at the neighborhood block level. Advocating for the systemic change our city needs begins with neighbors coming together to demand these changes within their communities.  Racial equity work deserves funding from the City of Minneapolis. You can’t get more equity with less money.

Show your support for properly funded racial equity work at the neighborhood level by signing this petition.

Want to do more?  Visit Whittier Alliance for more action items.

Minneapolis City Council,

Undoing racism, community solutions to public safety, advancing equity in schools, small business support, tenant organizing, and more, begins at the neighborhood block level. Advocating for the systemic change our city needs begins with neighbors coming together to demand these changes within their communities.

I urge you to increase the funding allotted to neighborhoods by at least $3 million for a minimum total allocation of $7.1 million to ensure neighborhoods can continue to do their important racial equity work.


The Undersigned

Will you sign?