Elliot Park Neighborhood, Inc. |

January 2025 E-News
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Tuesday, January 14th - Community Capacity Training: "Harm Reduction 101" 6:00-7:30pm • At Catholic Charities, 1007 E 14th St., Frey Center entrance • RSVP Link
EPNI January Calendar
To request interpreting services or accommodations for these events, please contact [email protected]. Si aad u codsato turjubaan ama waafajin, fadlan la xiriir [email protected]. Para solicitar servicios de interpretación o adaptaciones para estos actos, póngase en contacto con [email protected].
Please visit the EPNI web Calendar for event details & to RSVP! Also post and share our January Event Calendar flyer which is linked here and posted below. Flyer PDF

Wednesday, January 8th - Neighborhood Vitality & Land Use Joint Committees Meeting 6:30-8:00pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave., or participate via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84231574529

ALL are welcome to the jointly meeting EPNI Neighborhood Vitality & Land Use Committees, to bring your ideas and and connect with your neighbors. This joint committee structure creates your "one-stop shop" for Elliot Park Neighborhood involvement with new and ongoing neighborhood projects in service to our shared Elliot Park community. At the January 8th joint committees meeting (agenda HERE):
- The Land Use & Transportation Committee will review and give input on current neighborhood development & infrastructure projects, including guest presentation by Kathleen Mayell, AICP, Transportation Planning Manager, City of Minneapolis Transportation Planning and Programming Division, on the Nicollet Mall/downtown transit project.
- The Neighborhood Vitality Committee will review updates on several current projects:
- Evolving EPNI partnership with City's Public Health - Opioid Response Team and partners, in supporting its new Opioid treatment outreach pilot program;
- Wrap-up on the Elliot Park Community Aid Fund activities and collaborative assistance efforts, in response to the 8/13/24 apartment fire at 1501 S. 11th Ave.;
- Update on continued advocacy efforts for Safe Needles Disposal Kiosk at Elliot Park; and
- Intro: new potential EPNI - Food Access, NCU, MPRB - Elliot Park collaboration for a food distribution program
- Bring your voice -- ALL are welcome! Questions or want to learn more? Contact [email protected] or call/text (612) 234-2280. See you there!
Monday, January 27th* - EPNI Board Meeting (*Please note: date change, due to 1/20 MLK holiday) 6:00-7:30pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave.
Your voice matters, and your insights are invaluable. Join the EPNI monthly Board meeting to stay informed, share your ideas, and help shape the future of our community. Together, we can make our neighborhood an even better place to live. ALL are welcome -- see you there!
Do you have a suggestion or question for Elliot Park Neighborhood Inc.? Email [email protected] or text / call (612) 234-2280 and we will get back to you soon!
January Community Calendar
Monday, January 6th & Monday, January 27th - Ward 6 City Councilmember Jamal Osman Community Office Hours • 3:00-4:00pm • At Lutunji's Palate, 1400 Park. Ave S. #1010

Come have a chat with your Ward 6 Councilmember Jamal Osman - The first & last Monday of each month, 3-4pm!
Monday, January 6th, And Every Monday - Video Game Club 6:00-8:30pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave.

Monday, January 6th - Dine on a Dime, Every Monday until February 10th 5:30-7:00pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave.

Tuesday, January 7th - Elliot Park Homework Help, And Every Tuesday & Thursday 6:00-8:00pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave.

Parents, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Elliot Park Rec Center the MPRB hosts a homework help session for K-12 students for free. This is an opportunity for your child to receive any extra help that might need to succeed in the classroom.
Tuesday, January 7th - Community Chess Club, And Every Tuesday 5:00pm-7:00pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave.

Join neighbors in playing chess at a community chess club. For all ages and skill levels.
Tuesday, January 7th - Adult Computer Lab & Technology Help, And Every Tuesday & Thursday 6:00-8:00pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave.

Are you trying to learn technology and need assistance? Every Tuesday and Thursday evening MPRB is hosting an Adult Computer Lab & Technology Help. This is a great opportunity for people who haven't grown up using new technology or aren't accustomed to it have their questions answered.
Wednesday, January 8th -Build Your Own Robot 6:00pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave.

Wednesday, January 15th, And Every Wednesday - Senior Craft Circle 1:00-3:00pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave.

Wednesday, January 15th, And Every Wednesday -Pickleball 4:00-8:00pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave.

Thursday, January 16th, And Every Thursday - Toddler Playroom 10:00am-12:00pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave.

Thursday, January 16th - Remote Control Chaos 6:00pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave.

Friday, January 17th, And Every Friday - Friday Conversation Circles for English Language Learners 3:30pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave.

Saturday, January 18th- Bingo at Elliot Rec Center 1:00-3:00pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave.

Tuesday, January 21st - Cardboard Creators @ Elliot 6:00pm-8:00pm • At Elliot Park Rec Center, 1000 E. 14th Ave.

Saturday, February 8th - Community Connections Conference Event 9:00am-4:00pm • Minneapolis Convention Center, first floor, Hall E • Conference Event Website

Connect with us at and other community, neighborhood, and local government groups at the Community Connections Conference.
Stop by the conference for:
- More than 100 exhibits from the City of Minneapolis, other public institutions and community groups.
- Workshops and community dialogues on important topics.
- Performances from local artists.
- Free lunch.
- A fun scavenger hunt side quest.
- Opportunities to connect with City leaders.
Learn more about the event on the city's website here
The Downtown Improvement District (DID) Community Calendar is your source downtown events & FREE fun! Check out the full Downtown Events Calendar HERE.

EPNI Updates

2024 Elliot Park Quick Resident Survey: 5 Questions, 10 Minutes -- Let YOUR Voice Be Heard - Survey HERE!
"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about." – Margaret J. Wheatley

Your voice matters! We appreciate you taking a few minutes to let us know what's most important to you in the neighborhood, and ways you want to get connected and involved in Elliot Park! Click HERE to take the quick EPNI survey • af-Soomaliga. Thank you!
Elliot Park Community Aid Fund Updates

December Updates: In December, we nearly completed the second and final round of Elliot Park Community Aid Fund distributions to the residents and families displaced by the August 13th fire. At the time of this publication, EPNI has distributed a total of $51,400 in direct aid funds, assisting a total of 55 our affected neighbors (32 adults and 23 children). We also completed four distribution days of donated clothing, household goods and furniture. While we continue to provide some longer-term resource connection assistance to a number of the families, we are now wrapping up the major operations of our aid and support operations, now that we have distributed the remainder of direct funds and clothing and household donations gathered to support our neighbors affected by the August 13th fire.
November Updates: On November 20th, we held a Final Donation Distribution Day for fire victims. During this event we gave out winter coats and outerwear clothing and household donations to displaced families. A special thanks to our project partners, MPRB - Elliot Park and First Congregational Church, and to community volunteers, Shawne Fitzgerald and Katie Simon-Dastych, and community partner Wayne Bugg of St. Vincent de Paul, who together gathered and contributed to winter coat and outerwear donations for distribution.
October Updates: On October 10th, we held a Community Aid Fund and donation distribution day at the Elliot Park Rec Center. During this event we were able to distribute Aid funds using the relief money that we received from the Minneapolis Foundation and raised in the community, and gave out additional clothing and household donations to displaced families. We are currently completing a winter coat and outerwear drive for the next distribution to the families. We are accepting donations of new or gently used winter coats and gear at Elliot Park & Rec Center (M-F, after 3pm) -- thank you!
September Updates: On September 5th, we held a Drop-in Resource Day for the residents and families displaced by the fire at the Elliot Park Rec Center. We gave out donations and connected families to valuable resources. These donations and services were made available thanks to our service partners: Hennepin County Resource Navigators, Mid-Minnesota Legal Services, MPRB - Elliot Park, First Covenant Church, Aeon and Trellis Housing. We have also received a $48,000 Minneapolis Foundation grant to boost our direct aid distribution to people affected by the fire, awarded to directly benefit the affected residents, in recognition of our collaborative response efforts.
Background: On August 13th, a devastating fire swept through the multi-family apartment building on 1501 11th Ave S. in our beloved Elliot Park neighborhood, claiming two lives, hospitalizing four more, and displacing 22 households. EPNI has been working with the Red Cross and several community partners to help the affected residents rebuild their lives.
EPNI will be wrapping up its Elliot Park Aid Fund project efforts by the end of the year, after distributing final Aid Funds in December, and will share a final project report in early 2025
Thank you for your generous support of our neighbors! Questions? Contact EPNI at
City & Community Updates
Pre-Session Town Hall Meeting

Join Rep-Elect Katie Jones, Representative Jamie Long, & Senator Scott Dibble for at Loring Community Arts Center for a Pre-Session Town Hall Meeting.
Stevens Square Community Organization Snow Shoveling Team

Looking to help out your neighbors and get paid for it? Stevens Square Organization Snow Shoveling Team is looking for a team of as needed show shovelers for the Stevens Square-Loring Heights neighborhood. SSCO is going to be paying folks $16 dollars per street within the SS-LH neighborhood and all supplies will be provided.
If folks are interested, they can contact SSCO's greening coordinator Adam at [email protected].
Eastside Neighborhood FREE computer classes

Did you know that East side Neighborhood Services offers FREE computer classes for older adults? Check out their flyer to see the topics they will be covering in January. All are welcome, no requirement to attend every week. Do you have your own technology question or challenge? East Side offers 1:1 technology support as well. Email [email protected] or call Vital Living at 612-787-4086.
Resources for Unhoused People
Click on below graphic to enlarge

Winter Gear Drive

Minneapolis Green Cost Share Program

We are excited to work with the Minneapolis Green Cost Share program, a project that helps our city be greener! The Green Cost Share program provides up to $14,000 in rebates to eligible homeowners in our neighborhood. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help with your next project using the Minneapolis Green Cost Share program. Together, we can make Minneapolis a better place to live.
Green Cost Share Contact Info:
Minneapolis Health Department, [email protected], 612-673-2301
Minneapolis Homes: Homebuyer & Home Improvement Opportunities
Click on below graphic to enlarge

The city has resources available for home buying and home improvement. Including down payment assistance for specific homes and financing options to improve your house. For more information see the flyer above.
Winter Salt Week 2025

Winter Salt Week 2025 is coming up Jan. 27-31st and should be a great event to learn more about salt pollution in your community and learn reduction solutions to help protect our community
Visit www.wintersaltweek.org to get a rundown of the daily webinars including Minnesota speakers providing public works perspectives and presenting on the policy solutions panel. The event is open to everyone.

Elliot Park Playground & Park Improvements: Final Proposed Elliot Park Improvement Plans are now Available
Above is the final design concept proposed by MPRB for Elliot Park. If you would like to view them follow this link.
Elliot Park Design and Improvements Updates:
Ongoing Updates: Thanks to everyone who weighed on upcoming improvements to Elliot Park’s playground and its east side. After reviewing all of the feedback on the three initial design concepts, the design team has has developed a final concept that features elements listed below.
- Brings activation, art, and amenities to the center of the park’s east side
- Park edges enhanced with ornamental fencing and landscaping
- Proposed flexible lawn or performance area for both formal events (concerts, movies) and informal activities and games (soccer warm up, catch, frisbee)
- patio and flexible sports plaza area near the recreation center, allows for indoor programming to be brought outside; could include striping for court games like pickleball or basketball, and/or flexible outdoor furniture
- splash pad replaces existing wading pool and is installed along with a patio near the existing basketball courts on the north side of the park
- New playground on south side of the park, closer to the building and parking, and more inclusive for all ages and abilities
- If the project budget allows, additional possibilities could include concrete paths that glow at night and community murals on the walls of the recreation center or basketball court
Watch for updates when next steps are confirmed for this improvements project.
In the meantime, please share this with friends, co-workers and neighbors!
To view more information about the project, check out www.minneapolisparks.org/elliotpark and you can sign up to receive email updates through the Get Involved tab.
Above is the two design concepts that MPRB collecting feedback on for Franklin Steele Square. View them here at this link.
Franklin Steele Playground & Park Improvements Updates:
Ongoing Updates: MPRB is now collecting feedback for two concept designs for Franklin Steele Square.
The Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board is pleased to announce an improvements project at Franklin Steel Square in downtown Minneapolis. The project will replace the playground equipment and make improvements in other areas of the park.
Want to learn more about the improvement project? check out this website for more information and sign up for email updates as well.
Updates & Neighborhood Opportunities:
Twin Cities monthly immigration forum meets Thursday, Jan. 9
The City of Minneapolis Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs (OIRA) in partnership with the City of Saint Paul Immigrant and Refugee Program hosts a monthly immigration forum to offer immigration-related updates to the community. The next meeting of this series will be on Thursday, Jan. 9
Twin Cities monthly immigration forum Thurs., Jan. 9, 4:30 - 6 p.m. Join online over Microsoft Teams Or call in (audio only) at +1 612-276-6670 with meeting ID 508 613 777#
The topics covered include:
- Federal immigration news and resources.
- City, community and advocacy organization updates.
- Other topics important to immigrant, refugee and new American communities.
Watch previous forums on the City's YouTube channel.
Find dates and links to join the meetings on the OIRA events calendar. Learn more about the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs (OIRA) at minneapolismn.gov/ncr/oira or contact the office directly at [email protected].
EPNI Renter's Corner

January Fix-It clinic
At a Fix-It Clinic, volunteers guide you to dismantle, troubleshoot and repair your small household appliances, clothing, electronics, mobile devices, and more. Learn valuable skills and reduce waste at the same time.
Noon-4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 12 American Swedish Institute, 2600 Park Ave. S.
Find more information on the Hennepin County website.
Help with heat bills
Minnesota homeowners and renters can apply for energy assistance to help keep their homes warm this winter.
By applying for Minnesota’s Energy Assistance Program, homeowners and renters may also qualify for Minnesota’s Weatherization Assistance Program and receive free home improvements to help save energy and ensure a warm, healthy, safe home.
Find more information and apply on the Minnesota Commerce Department website.
Protection from heat being shut off
The Cold Weather Rule is now in effect. The Cold Weather Rule means that if you can’t pay your home heat bill, your heat can’t be shut off Oct. 1-April 30. If you get a notice about disconnecting your primary heat source, make sure to immediately contact the utility and set up a payment plan.
Find resources on the State of Minnesota website. This information is also available in Español/Spanish, Hmoob/Hmong and Soomaali/Somali.
HOME Line provides free and low-cost legal, organizing, education, and advocacy services so that tenants throughout Minnesota can solve their own rental housing problems.
Have a question for HOME Line?
Call 612-728-5767 or email an attorney
311: Did You Know . . . ?

311 is the remote access point for ALL non-emergency info & service requests
You can call 311 to:
- Report and get resolution to problems, and follow up on the status of issues
* Remember - there are power in numbers. If a number of affected neighbors call 311 about the same issue, it may speed up response time.
- Find out about City services
- Get other city-related information
It's easy and accessible! Ways to contact 311:
- Call 311 / TTY: 612-263-6850: Monday-Friday, 7am-7pm
- Email: [email protected]
- Text 311 or get the 311 mobile app
If you need immediate emergency assistance, contact 911.
Report rental issues to 311
Contact 311 to report rental housing issues or speak to a housing liaison. You can also track complaints online on the 311 property complaint dashboard.

Ongoing Notices & Opportunities:
Want a free ride & a cleaner bus stop? Adopt-a-Stop!
WHAT: Individuals and groups can "adopt" a Metro Transit bus stop to help keep it clean and cared for, and alert Metro Transit staff to special maintenance needs and reporting vandalism or suspicious activity.
WHY: Help everyone have a safer ride experience and and get 10 free rides each month!
HOW: Learn more and apply online for Metro Transit Adopt-A-Stop program HERE.
Want to partner through EPNI to Adopt-a-Stop? Come talk about it at the Land Use & Transportation committee meeting, or contact us at [email protected] or text/call 612-234-2280.

Shop the Mobile Market!
The Twin Cities Mobile Market continues on Wednesdays! You can find the bus at 1515 Park Ave. All are welcome to stop by and shop. The market has beautiful and affordable produce, meat, dairy, bread, and more.
You can view the full schedule here on the Park Center Hi-Rise site. Sign up for text updates. To learn more about the Mobile Market, please visit thefoodgroupmn.org/twin-cities-mobile-market/.
Elliot Park Neighborhood, Inc. · 802 S 10th St, Minneapolis, MN 55404, United States This email was sent to [email protected]. To stop receiving emails, click here. You can also keep up with Elliot Park Neighborhood Inc. on Facebook.
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